Top 8 Newborn Essentials

Eagerly awaiting the arrival of a new baby? From the moment you announce your pregnancy you’ll be inundated, and often overwhelmed, with information and advice. To make life easier we’ve listed the top 8 newborn essentials that you’ll actually need, to help prepare for your new arrival and to make sure the money you're going to spend is on quality items you will use throughout your parenting journey. Many parents-to-be like to make sure they have these essential baby items organised by the time they are in their third trimester of pregnancy.

  1. Baby changing essentials. Nappies, baby wipes, a change mat, disposal bags, cream, and more nappies. You’ll go through up to 12 nappies a day, so be sure to keep them stocked up at all times. There are lots of ways you can store your baby change essentials. A selection of organised pouches is a great way to keep items easy to reach and looking stylish if you want to take a quick trip to the parent room. 

  2. Baby clothes. Start with a few pieces of 000, 00 or 0. Newborn sizes vary drastically and your baby will grow quicky so start small and replenish sizes once you know what they’ll need. Many parents prefer two-way zip onesies for quick, easy, middle of the night changes.

  3. Car seat. A properly installed car seat that is age/height appropriate and meets all the safety standard requirements will be essential to take your new bundle of joy home from the hospital, or to and from health appointments and family visits. 

  4. Bassinet or cot. While it won't always feel like it, newborns can sleep from 14 to 19 hours a day! A safe sleep space free of clutter, whether a bassinet or straight to a cot, will be one of your first major purchases. It's helpful to select one which can convert to a toddler bed too, so you don't have to upgrade to a full size bed so soon. 

  5. Swaddles. Whether you prefer a soft jersey wrap, zip-up swaddle or muslin cloth, newborns love the feeling of being swaddled. Look for soft, breathable fabric that’s the right size for your baby, and follow safe-swaddle guidelines.

  6. Bath essentials. Have a space planned for a baby bath or large sink, along with towels and face cloths. Bath times are often a beautiful bonding time, with the water soothing your newborn. Foldable and transportable baby tubs are available and are very handy to pop on top of a bench so you're not stooping over the bath. 

  7. Pram or carrier. A soft baby wrap, structured carrier or pram with a bassinet will allow you to get out and about while keeping baby close. Having a pram is also helpful when you need to hang your changing bag (baby bag/diaper bag) or accessories from the handlebars with pram straps or a stylish and functional carabiner

  8. Baby bag. Your first few weeks will likely involve visits to the health nurse, obstetrician, and introducing your baby to family and friends. Having an organised, practical and beautiful baby bag will make your life easier, while still providing you an opportunity to feel like your “old self”. Try to avoid purchasing a bag you will need to replace and send to landfill after only a few months, It's a great idea to invest in a timeless, high-quality piece which will take you through motherhood. A bag which reflects your own personal style which you can use as an everyday bag for years to come. Discover our collection of baby bags here >

 Best baby bags and luxury baby bags and leather backpacks from Alf the Label


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