In the Bag: Daycare & Prep Checklist - Alf the Label

In the Bag: Daycare & Prep Checklist

The start of daycare or pre-school (prep/kindy) is an emotional time for parents. Excitement at the next step and anxiousness of the unknown.

While we won't know what to expect on their first day, we can make sure they've got everything they need for a smooth transition.

Our number one tip: prepare as much as you can in advance. Pre-pack lunchboxes and their backpack the night before. Label absolutely everything. Plan activities for the drive to and from; particularly if they have a sibling joining them for the ride. You can never have too many snacks!

If they are feeling a little anxious, prep is the key. Visit their new school beforehand if you can, or show them pictures and videos of what they can expect. What will a typical day look like for them? On the first day you can draw a love heart on each of your hands, or pop a little picture note in their lunchbox. Something to let them know you are thinking of them (and very likely, anxiously awaiting pick-up). 

Pictured: Luca Backpack baby bag in Black.

What we pack for daycare and prep/kindy:

  • Backpack
  • Hat
  • Sunscreen
  • Change of clothes in a wet bag
  • Multiple meals and snacks in an insulated lunch satchel
  • Large water bottle in a bottle cooler
  • Wet weather gear
  • Nappies, wipes and cream (if needed)
  • Sleep comforter/toy (have a back-up at home)
  • Milk bottles (if needed)

For the pick up and drop off:

  • Activities and snacks for the drive home
  • A back-up water bottle
  • A crossbody bag for your phone and keys
  • Wet wipes

Pictured: Luxe Muriel in Latte (left), Carabiner Capsule pram bag and handbag in Mahogany (middle) and Wipes Pouch (right).

Have you already made the transition? We'd love to hear your tips.

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